Since 1996, in a unique endeavor to carry the legacy of rich cultural heritage of India, SRIJAK blends the brilliance of various creative supremacies- SRIJAK follows the style innovated by Late UDAY SHANKAR and also have created their signature style inspired by various forms of Indian Folk Dance and Indian Classical Dance, which gives SRIJAK a creative edge, SRIJAK's thematic concepts germinate from the surroundings and incidents that we witness in reality. SRIJAK specializes in emoting the actual expressions amongst our society with a vision to create Emotional Expression hence SRIJAK pioneers in "CREATIVE EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIONISM".
SRIJAK thrives on expressing physical and spiritual emotions seamlessly with each other. SRIJAK attempts to highlight the vastness and finesse of Indian culture through various thematic performances rich in trans- continental cultural texture. SRIJAK intends to convey to the current and next generation about the eternal Indian culture of Aesthetic skills, Team Effort, Punctuality, Discipline, Patience and Responsibility through a unified pursuit of cultural excellence, SRIJAK takes pride in the constant creative exercise to improvise the existing style of performance to touch the dazzling pinnacle of glorified creativity. SRIJAK cherishes the hope that one day all the ailments and sufferings of the society would be eased out and be replaced with sheer joy and pure happiness, in one word, SALVATION.